Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Cambridge Pro Fab Inc. Multi Year Accessibility Plan

Legislative Requirement Responsibility Actions Taken Status
Deadline: January 1, 2012

Customer Service Standard

Customer Service Policy:

Create an accessible customer service policy to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities and make it available to the public. Provide the policy in accessible format upon request. Train staff on accessible customer service. Report progress online.

Human Resources

· Policy created and posted on external website.

· Contact information made available to request policy in accessible format.

· All employees and new employees who deal with customers are trained on accessible customer service.

· Record of data ongoing for reporting purposes.


Employment Standard

Workplace Emergency Response Information:

Create an individual workplace emergency response plan for those employees with disabilities who may need assistance during an emergency. Gain the employee’s consent to share this information with anyone designated to help them in an emergency.

Human Resources

· All employees who require assistance during an emergency contact HR and provided with individual accommodation plans.

Legislative Requirement Responsibility Actions Taken Status
Deadline: January 1, 2014

General Requirements

Accessibility Policies:

Develop accessibility policies outlining how Cambridge Pro Fab will meet its accessibility requirements for customers and employees.

Human Resources

Accessibility policies created and posted on external website.


General Requirements

Statement of Commitment:

Create statement and make it available to the public.

Human Resources

Statement of Commitment created and posted on external website and in visitor binders in reception area.


General Requirements

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan:

Create and post on website.

Human Resources Multi- Year Accessibility plan created and posted on website and in the visitor binders in reception area.  Completed

Information & Communication Standard

Accessible Website and Web Content:

New content and features must be compliant with WCAG 2.0 Level A.


Company website has been updated to meet the requirements for WCAG.2.0 Level AA (Compliance date of January 2021.

Compliant and ongoing.
Legislative Requirement Responsibility Actions Taken Status
Deadline: January 1, 2015

General Requirements


Provide training on IASR requirements to all employees and anyone who provides goods and services on Cambridge Pro Fab Inc.’s behalf. Keep a record of trained recipients. 

Human Resources

Created New training program. Incorporated training into orientation training and trained current employees.

Data is recorded into the Training tracking database.


Information & Communication Standard

Make Feedback Accessible:

When requested, Cambridge Pro Fab Inc. must be able to receive and respond to feedback from customers, employees and the public who have a disability.

Human Resources

Currently feedback may be provided via: telephone, email, in person, or by fax. The contact information has been provided in the policy, on the website and in the visitor binders in reception area. 

Legislative Requirement Responsibility Actions Taken Status
Deadline: January 1, 2016

Employment Standard

Recruitment – Make Hiring Accessible:

Revise recruitment protocols to inform applicants that Cambridge Pro Fab Inc. will accommodate disabilities during the selection process.

Human Resources

· Review all stages of the recruitment process (Job postings, interviews, selection processes, job descriptions). by including a statement that accommodations are available upon request.

· Review suitable accommodations that take into account the applicants accessibility needs.

· Update all offer letters to include a statement regarding our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

Compliant and ongoing.

Employment Standard

Information for Employees:

Inform new and existing employees about polices supporting employees with disabilities

Human Resources

· Determine how to best inform current employees about policies to support employees with disabilities.

· Ex. Add to the orientation program for new employees and update existing employees via: Bulletin, internal newsletter, email communication, employee meeting.

· Inform employees of changes.

Compliant and ongoing.

Employment Standard

Making Information Accessible to employees:

When an employee with a disability asks for it, you must work with them to make workplace information accessible.

Human Resources

· Determine what accessible formats and communication supports could be made available upon request.

· Implement alternate accessible formats and communication supports, where practicable.

Compliant and ongoing.

Employment Standard

Helping employees with Disabilities Stay Safe:

Develop plans to assist employees with disabilities during an emergency, including ensuring the information is formatted so an employee with a disability can understand it.


Human Resources

· Human Resources, supervisor and employee work together to create an individual emergency response plan which is updated as required.

Compliant and ongoing.

Employment Standard

Processes to Accommodate Employees:

Develop accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. Accommodation plans are a formal way of recording and reviewing the things needed to accommodate an employee with a disability. Document these plans.

Human Resources

· Human Resources and supervisor and employee work together to create individual accommodation. Plans are updated as required.

Compliant and ongoing.

Employment Standard

Help Employees with Disabilities Return to Work:

Outline the steps we will take to help employees return to work when they have been absent because of a disability and need some form of disability-related accommodation to return to work.

Human Resources

· Review current RTW policies and procedures to ensure compliance.

Compliant and ongoing.

Employment Standard

Performance Management:

Employers who use performance management processes must take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as accommodation plans, when using its performance management processes.

Human Resources

· Human Resources to review the performance management process with respect to employees with disabilities.

Compliant and ongoing.

Employment Standard

Career Development & Advancement:

Employers must take into account accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as any individual accommodation plans, when providing career development and advancement to employees.

Human Resources

· Human Resources to review the career development and advancement process with respect to employees with disabilities.

Compliant and ongoing.

Information & Communication Standard

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports:

Provide information and communication about your goods, services or facilities to people with disabilities. Notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.

Human Resources/IT

· Human Resources to determine what accessible formats and communication supports could be made available upon request.

· Implement alternate accessible formats and communication support, where practicable

· Post information on website when required.

Compliant and ongoing.
Legislative Requirement Responsibility Actions Taken Status
Deadline: January 1, 2021

Information & Communications Standard

Accessible Websites and Web Content:

All websites and their content must meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA. If it is not possible to meet the WCAG 2.0 requirements, you may be able to update or repair the products you use to support disability.


· Review company website with site developer.

· Update site as necessary to meet the requirements.
